Sanitary surveillance on illegal use of clenbuterol and its intersectoral coordination in two states of Mexico

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Lorenia Alejandra Jiménez Servín de la Mora
Juan Garza Ramos
Héctor Sumano López
Hugo Fragoso Sénchez


The illegal use of clenbuterol in feeding of cattle has caused outbreaks of food poisoning in humans that consume beef and internal organs. Since 2007, with the modification of the Ley Federal de Sanidad Animal, the use of clenbuterol as growth promoter is penalized and coordinated actions are announced between the Secretaria de Salud (SSA) and the Secretaria de Agricultura, Ganaderia, Desarrollo Rural, Pesca y Alimentacion (Sagarpa) on concurrent issues. This study analyzed the implementation of the procedures in the public health sector, as well as the coordinated activities between SSA and Sagarpa in Queretaro and Jalisco states in Mexico. Results indicate that a higher degree of collaboration between these two institutions is required in the exchange of information from Sagarpa to SSA derived from penal procedures, as well as in the identification of improvement action procedures, thus optimizing the results achieved by both institutions in concurring actions related to sanitary surveillance of clenbuterol use.

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