Epidemiology of urolithiasis in dogs from Guadalajara City, Mexico

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Claudia Iveth Mendoza-López
Javier Del-Angel-Caraza
Maria Alejandra Aké-Chiñas
Israel Alejandro Quijano-Hernández
Marco Antonio Barbosa-Mireles


Veterinaria México OA
ISSN: 2448-6760

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  • Mendoza-López CI, Del-Angel-Caraza J, Aké-Chiñas MA, Quijano-Hernández IA, Barbosa-Mireles MA. Epidemiology of urolithiasis in dogs from Guadalajara City, Mexico. Veterinaria México OA. 2019;6(1). doi: 10.22201/fmvz.24486760e.2019.1.585.

Urolithiasis is a frequent and recurrent problem in dogs around the world. Several epidemiological studies based on mineral composition of uroliths have been carried out in different geographical areas. The objective of this study was to analyze epidemiological data of 195 dogs with urolithiasis from the metropolitan area of Guadalajara Jalisco, Mexico. To determine the chem­ical composition of uroliths, quantitative and qualitative analyses were per­formed by means of stereoscopic microscopy and infrared spectroscopy. The dogs` median age was six years and a male-female ratio of 1.4:1 was ob­served. The most affected pure breed dogs were schnauzer, poodle, Labrador retriever, Yorkshire terrier, and German shepherd. The frequency of uroliths of struvite, calcium oxalate, urates, mixes, and compounds, is similar to the one found in other studies performed in other populations. However, a much higher frequency of silicate-containing uroliths (16.92%) was observed, both in a pure form as well as in mineral mixtures. These results led us to suggest the need to develop further investigations to determine the origin of this high frequency.

Figure 1. Different types of uroliths. Note the differences in shape, size, color, and number; however, none of these characteristics is specific to a particular mineral composition.

urolithiasis epidemiology risk factors dogs Mexico

Article Details

Author Biography

Javier Del-Angel-Caraza, Hospital Veterinario para Pequeñas Especies Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México

Javier Del Angel Caraza MVZ, DMCPyG, Dr en C.
Académico de la Sección de Medicina Interna
Hospital Veterinario para Pequeñas Especies, FMVZ- Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Jesús Carranza # 203 Col. Universidad C.P. 50130
Toluca, Estado de México, México.
Tel +52(722)2801083, 2195988, 2194173

Correo electrónico: dlangel@uaemex.mx delangelvet@hotmail.com


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