1. Original Research Articles
  • Original research articles report new results of experimental research.
  • Limit: 6,000 words (not including references)
  1. Short Communications
  • Short communications report smaller sets of results that do not warrant a full-length article.
  • Limit: 2,500 words (not including references)
  • Short communications are also limited to 3 display items (figures or tables)
  1. Review Articles
  • Review articles are by invitation only. No unsolicited reviews will be considered. Invited authors will receive formatting instructions from the Editor-in- Chief.

File formats

  • Veterinaria México OA accepts submissions as Word documents (.doc, .docx)
  • Supplemental files are not encouraged, but such files can be uploaded if they include material such as large data sets that cannot be efficiently described in the manuscript. Please contact the editorial office with any questions.

Formatting guidelines

  • Font: Arial or Symbol (where necessary)
  • Font size: 11 pt
  • Line spacing: 1.5
  • Page numbers: bottom right

Graphic elements (tables and figures). Tables and figures should:

  • Be included in your manuscript file for submission:
  • Please place each table and figure within the text near the first reference to that table or figure. When the article is accepted, we will request separate table and figure files
  • Use concise titles and headings
  • Footnotes can be used to explain abbreviations and statistical parameters
  • Use footnotes tables to explain abreviations and statistics parameters in APA style.
  • Be created according to the following guidelines:


Photographs: TIFF (with LZW compression)

Graphics: PNG, EPS.

Maximum File Size

10 MB

Minimum Resolution

Photos: 300 dpi

Line-art: 1200 dpi

Combination: 600 dpi

Color Format

RGB, Grayscale


Arial, Symbol

Font Size

11 pt

Line Weight

0.25 – 1.5 pt

Figure Widths

Minimum: 50 mm

Single column: 90 mm

1.5 column: 140 mm

Double colum: 190 mm

Figure title

Arial, 9 pt, bold

Text within figure

Arial, 9 pt, normal

Table title

Arial, 10 pt, bold

Text within table

Arial, 9 pt, normal

Table footnote

Arial, 8 pt, normal

Manuscript Sections

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Materials and Methods
  • Results and Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • Author Contributions
  • References

Guidelines for Manuscript Sections

  1. Title page
  • Title. The manuscript title should be clear and informative, even to readers outside of the subject area.
  • Running Title. Please also include a shortened running title of 50 characters or fewer that summarizes the basic subject of the manuscript.
  • Keywords. During submission, please provide 5 to 10 keywords that relate to the submitted study
  • Author Affiliations. For each author, list the following information:
    • First names (or first initials in combination with full middle names)
    • Middle initials (if used)
    • Last names (surname, family name)
    • Department, university, or organizational affiliation
    • Location: city, state/province (if applicable)
    • Country

Please identify the corresponding author with an asterisk (*) and the footnote “* Corresponding author”.

  1. Abstract. The abstract should summarize the key features of the manuscript in 250 words or fewer. Abstracts are unstructured but should include:
  • The context of the research
  • The main objective(s) or hypothesis
  • An overview of the methods, including species or breed used
  • A summary of the most important results and their broader implications

Do NOT include citations, unnecessary abbreviations, or excess experimental detail.

  1. Introduction. The Introduction should
  • Provide background information that establishes the rationale for the study
  • Frame the major problem being addressed
  • Briefly review key relevant articles, focusing on the most recent literature where possible
  • Conclude with a short summary of the contribution made by the article
  1. Materials and Methods. The Materials and Methods section should
  • Provide sufficient detail for other researchers to replicate your work
  • Cite methods from previously published work, providing the details of any modifications made in your study
  • Include a statement regarding prior approval for research conducted on regulated animals (see Animal Research guidelines)
  • Provide specific descriptions of the organism(s) used in the study.
  1. Results and Discussion
  • The Results and Discussion are combined into a single section in which results are presented and placed into a larger context, both within the study and with other research
  • Concise subheadings may be used for clarity
  1. Conclusions
  • Please provide a brief Conclusions section (one to two paragraphs) highlighting the most salient advances made by your research and its implications
  • Veterinaria México OA does not make editorial decisions based on novelty or perceived impact, so do not overstate your conclusions. See our Editorial criteria for more information.
  1. Acknowledgments
  • Individuals who contributed to the experimental design, data collection, or manuscript writing, but who do not meet the requirementes for authorship , should be mentioned in the Acknowledgments. It is the responsibility of the corresponding author to ensure that each person approves of being acknowledged.
  • All funding sources should be mentioned in a second paragraph, with grant numbers or other designations as appropriate. A list of agencies that provided financial support must also be entered during submission.
  • Any potential competing interests must be disclosed during the submission process. If you have questions about what constitutes a competing interest, please contact the editorial staff .
  1. Author Contributions
  • Please state how each author contributed to the manuscript using his or her initials (e.g.,ARD designed experiments and analyzed data). For more information, see our Author policies.
  1. Reference style instructions